The employee experience, key to the success of the company
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According to the latest studies, companies and sectors that take into account the recommendations of their employees and use the insights to drive positive change are reaping the fruits of their efforts with very good results.
On this, Workday has identified in its “State of Engagement 2022” report, the areas of interest for organizations during the next year:
- adapting to new work models as a result of the pandemic
- talent retention applying employee sentiment analytics
- reduction of the syndrome burnout through continuous listening
industry trends
Throughout 2021, both the software and services sector and the technology sector continued to consolidate their leadership positions, occupying the first and second positions.
Other sectors that obtained good results are those related to commercial, professional and financial services, managing to improve their classification by maintaining the general average of the commitment.
Sectors that saw an overall decline in engagement included healthcare, pharmaceuticals, the non-profit sector, and transportation. These same sectors were unable to reap the benefits of hybrid work.
The employee experience, key to the success of companies
employee experience
The Workday Peakon Employee Voice report reveals an increase in the average score for indicators related to the work environment, between the first and fourth quarters of 2021.
For many organizations, especially those with larger numbers of frontline workers, the challenge lies in finding ways to provide employees with a greater degree of flexibility in when, where and how they get their work done.
Health & Wellness
Another general change in the responses of the employees was evidenced in the general decrease of the results with respect to the workload. The protracted nature of the pandemic and the difficult circumstances facing many businesses seem to be taking a toll on employee well-being.
Some industries, such as healthcare, higher education, and non-profits, face the challenge of balancing employee engagement with overall health and wellness.
This highlights the fact that workforces in these sectors lead the survey statistics in terms of the feeling of having a purposeful job, but are at the bottom of the ranking when it comes to other engagement drivers such as workload. of work and the environment.