Rainbow Six Siege could be the next video game directly affected by the conflict currently living Russia and Ukraine. According to recent changes collected by the portal Siege.ggthe official website of the title has omitted the biography of the Russian characters unannounced, and thus it is suspected that Ubisoft might be shuffling the idea to completely eliminate the appearance of Russian in-game or, failing that, modify its contents as a form of war protest.
What happened to the Russians in Rainbow Six Siege?
Over the past few days, Rainbow Six Siege fans have seen quite a significant change on the official website of the video game: the Russian agents no longer have biographies nor psychological reports in their individual records, as is the case with the rest of the characters of other nationalities. This is the case of characters like for example fuze. A change that is quite shocking taking into account the current state of the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

On March 13, the user @ScriptLeaksR6 on Twitter, a well-known leaker within the Rainbow Six community, stated that Ubisoft is going to eliminate or modify the presence of the Russians in the game, a news of which the YouTube user Candy (shooter specialist) has echoed on his channel, as you can see below:
They wont be “removed” but I think their ctu/bio will be changed. https://t.co/sFhFjHuMZ9—Script (@ScriptLeaksR6) March 13, 2022
curiously Ubisoft has not made any official statement about these changes or their short-term plans, but the fact that they have changed the biographies of Russian characters on the web has made set off alarms among many players of the title. Does this mean that the company intends delete everything that is directly related to Russia in the game? Even weapons or accessories of Russian manufacture and origin?
It is possible huh, the biographies of the Russian operators on the Ubisoft websites have disappeared pic.twitter.com/lHCpXY8Jme— Rainbow6.es (@Rainbow6_es) March 13, 2022
There are many video game companies that these days have positioned in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, showing their support for Ukraine by sending humanitarian funds or vetoing their products to the country governed by Putn. EA Sports, for example, decided to remove all Russian footballers from FIFA until further notice. Without going any further, Ubisoft at the end of last month stopped sales of Rainbow Six Siege and many other titles of its creation in Russia (in addition to donate money to ukrainian families), so that it will not be completely unreasonable to think that the company could erase the Russians from the shooter.
In any case, it seems that this It is not a decision that fans like too much since the majority who have left their comments on social networks consider that it would be a movement exaggerated by Ubisoft to eliminate the Russians in Rainbow Six. For now we don’t know what he plans what the developer can do about it, but doubts are already in the air.
Quellenlink : vandal.elespanol.com