next wednesday March 16 at 19:00 PT, a new ID@Xbox Showcase will take place on the official Twitch channel /twitchgaming and on Xbox Twitch. It will be the first edition of 2022 of this event focused on indie games coming to Xbox Series, Xbox One, and Game Pass soon. The previous appointments of this type took place in March and August 2021, remember from VGC.
The company has assured in xboxwire that we will see news of Roblox and of shreddersthe game of snowboarding in an open world that will arrive on March 17 on Xbox and PC consoles (included in Game Pass). Three other titles appear in the promotional image of the event.

One of them is Tunicthe action adventure that recalls the Zelda classics starring a friendly fox; be available the same March 16 on Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC. Another is Trek to Yomi, the side-scrolling black-and-white samurai adventure we saw in this week’s State of Play; we know that it will be out in the spring and that it will be in Game Pass, but still no release date.
The last one is less known, but it looks very good. Is about There’s No Lightan action adventure with RPG touches and beautiful aesthetics pixel art to take the players to explore the underworld to defeat hordes of enemies and huge final bosses while discovering the world at their own pace.
There will be new games from the publishers of Chicory and Wytchwood
In addition to all this, there will be new games, including the first game published by iam8bit (yes, the publisher that usually releases the vinyl soundtrack of many games), as well as new titles and trailers of finji (Tunic, Chicory, Night in the Woods) and Whitethorn Games (Wytchwood, Calico, whale fall).
Quellenlink : vandal.elespanol.com