Contact Center 2021: greater digitization
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Digitization is a trend, both for companies, which continue with high levels of technological investment, and for digital services, which have increased. This indicates that the technological weight of the Contact Center is greater.
This is clear from the study on the Contact Center of the CEX Association, where it is revealed that the total turnover of the companies belonging to the Association totaled €2,083M at the end of 2021, which represents a 10.3% increase compared to the year previous.
contact center
The Contact Center continues to bet on technology and digitization. In 2021, the investment made was 62% of the total cost, a similar percentage to 2019, although lower than in 2020 in which companies had to make a great effort to maintain and improve services in a COVID environment of a lot of remote work.
Regarding technological spending, this has accounted for 18%, almost three percentage points more than in the pre-COVID scenario of 2019 and confirms that companies are committed to continuing to advance in the modernization of services.
It is worth highlighting the continuous growth of Artificial Intelligence which, with 83%, has become one of the three most used technologies among associated companies. Soluciones Omnicales and WorkForce accompany him on the podium with 94% and 83%, respectively.
Contact Center 2021: greater digitization of companies and services
For the first time, companies have been asked if they have a specific productivity and monitoring model for teleworking, with 72% answering in the affirmative.
Offering the best service is the main commitment of the entities attached to the CEX Association and proof of this is that 94% of the companies and 89% of the platforms have some quality certificate. If the previous year, 76% of companies used the NPS indicator to measure perceived quality, this year that percentage has risen to 83%.
In short, a complete study that highlights the important weight that the Contact Center is acquiring -as a mature, consolidated and professional industry- in the long-distance relationships established by companies and organizations with customers and citizens.