76% of users demand more transparency in data
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More than half of Spaniards (56%) believe that they cannot protect their private data in the hands of companies. The main reason – cited by eight out of ten respondents – is that they find it too difficult to know and understand how their personal information is used, followed by the imposition itself to be able to use applications or services (57%) and a clear lack of trust in declared policies (54%).
Fears about AI
45% of Spaniards consider that the potential benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) outweigh the risk, and six out of ten (61%) are willing to share anonymous personal data to help improve products/services and decision making. of business decisions.
More than half of Spaniards (56%) believe that they cannot protect their private data in the hands of companies
However, there is a disconnect between businesses and consumers: while 71% of organizations say that automated decision-making is done transparently, almost three-quarters of respondents in Spain (73%) they are concerned about how organizations are using their personal data for AI.
self protection
In response to this erosion of trust, many consumers are taking action on their own to better protect their data. One in five Spaniards (21%) have made a query about their data, while 35% have changed providers due to poor privacy practices.
When asked about other self-protection measures, 44% of respondents in Spain read privacy consents, half manage the configuration of cookies on a website before accepting them, and 41% of those who have a voice-based smart device the home deactivate it regularly to ensure their privacy.
Likewise, four out of ten Spaniards (39%) consider that the government should act as the main guarantor when it comes to protecting their data. 71% rate the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) as positive, but only 28% really know the regulations. And although the vast majority believe that physically storing their data in Spain would help to better apply the GDPR, almost half (47%) reject this measure if it increases the price of the products/services purchased.
“Organizations need to explain their data practices in layman’s terms and make them available to customers and users. It is not only a legal requirement, trust depends on it”, highlights Harvey Jang, Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer at Cisco.