The Compliance Officer Day in Spain is here
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On November 17, the Compliance Officer Day is celebrated in Spain, in recognition of the work of a figure introduced into national law more than a decade ago to manage the criminal liability of legal persons.
Organized by the Spanish Compliance Association, they show that 75% of companies with more than 200 workers already have a Compliance system, or plan to implement it in the next five years, but there are still a quarter of these companies that They have not developed such a system.
“The figure of the Compliance Officer is fundamental for several reasons: its strategy allows combating bad practices within a business organization and manages the proper functioning of a complaints channel, necessary to give an image of corporate transparency, among other functions of vital importance for your company”, comments Antonio Quevedo, CEO of GlobalSuite Solutions.
Compliance Officer Day in Spain
These are the fundamental tasks of the Compliance Officer:
- Promote and supervise the implementation and effectiveness of the criminal compliance management system in the organization
- Guarantee continuous training support to the members of the organization
- Highlight Criminal Compliance responsibilities in job descriptions
- Launch a Criminal Compliance complaints channel
On November 17, the Compliance Officer Day is celebrated in Spain
- Manage information, claims and comments received from hotlines, a complaints channel or other mechanisms
- Establish performance indicators of Criminal Compliance in the organization
- Analyze performance to identify necessary corrective actions
- Identify and manage criminal risks, including those related to business partners
- Provide employees access to Compliance resources
- And inform the governing body of the results of the application of the criminal Compliance management system